Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Welcome to my brand spankin' new blog. I'll be posting shit that I write every now and then. I suppose it's kind of pointless to have this thing, seeing as how I personally don't give a fuck about a lot of things, especially other people, but my therapist says I should have some form of release otherwise all my anger gets pent up and tends to explode at random intervals. Like during class, or at the dinner table with my folks, or even when I'm trying to tie my shoes and the fucking bus driver takes off without me. He says that when he was younger he used to have a journal where he would write whenever he felt sad or upset. Personally I think that's kind of gay but I suppose it's ok because he ended up as a therapist and not as a starbucks coffee lady or something. I met one of those girls today and she was kind of cute but she had these nasty, crusted lips, dark bags under her eyes, and crooked, bloodshot eyes, as if she stayed up all night taking lines of coke off of her boyfriend's chiseled washboard abs. I guess that would explain why she was all twitchy, or it might've been because she was strung out on coffee or something cause she almost dropped my coffee while handing it to me. If it had dropped I would have probably punched her in the face.

 I have mentioned elsewhere that I talk to sand. It's true--I won't deny it. A single grain of sand has yet to talk back to me, but that's ok because I give them voices and they sort of go along with it. I also like observing sand just because it all looks so similar yet so different at the same time. Taken as a panorama view, a scene of sand can look overwhelming, with the individuality of each grain virtually nonexistent.  But taken piece by piece, the homogenous scene turns into something different, with each grain representing some crucial aspect of a story we're all missing out on. A grain of sand can teach you just as much about your humanity as some preacher standing on a pulpit. The individual makes up the whole, and no matter how insignificant you may seem, remember that each grain of sand contains a story, and each story is as compelling as the last.Until next time, mates. Take it easy.

Don't forget to use protection.

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