Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stress Reduction

The secret to happiness is to take comfort in the little things, to be able to draw joy from simplicity, to not let the stress of modern life overwhelm the sense and engulf the individual, plunging him into a chasm of existential despair. For life is madness insofar as it is suffering as well. To find a perpetual sanctuary against despair, one must embrace the joy that arises from small acts of kindness; fulfilling these seemingly innocuous deeds will inevitably lead to a more fulfilled individual. Some examples include, but are not limited to: smiling more. Behaving politely. Returning favors. Performing favors. Practicing altruism. Enjoying music. Singing loudly, no matter who hears. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, because some opportunities only come once in a lifetime. All of these actions, as well as many more I have not listed, go a long way towards realizing a more harmonious way of living. Giving perpetual thanks for all the things in your life, as well as acknowledging how easily material wealth can be displaced, also goes a long way towards developing and maintaining a healthy amount of modesty. No one likes a cocky show-off, no matter how skilled he may be. The equally talented but more modest individual will always receive more attention and praise 9 times out of 10. Live and behave modestly and you will truly gain a sense of appreciation towards the fragility of life. There is nothing more precious than a life, especially one lived with a dedication towards helping other, and it is up to every individual to make the most of his life because it is frightening how quickly it can be cut down.

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